Spelling Suggestion on the JVM #4: Implementing Norvig's Algo in Scala
- Norvig’s Approach to Spelling Correction
- Implementing Norvig’s Algo in Java
- Implementing Norvig’s Algo in Kotlin
- Implementing Norvig’s Algo in Scala (this post)
- Implementing Norvig’s Algo in Xtend
Functional, tested code in the 4 languages is available on the project’s Spellbound repository.
The Dictionary
Everything having to do with spelling correction revolves around a curated list of valid words we refer to as the the dictionary.
In our dictionary implementation we associate every word with an integer rank indicating how
frequently the word is used in relation to all other words. The higher the rank, the more
frequently used the word is. Thus, for instance, the has rank 106295
while triose has rank
The skeletal SpellingCorrector
case class is:
case class SpellingCorrector(dictionary: Map[Word, Rank]) {
require(dictionary != null && dictionary.nonEmpty)
def getCorrectionsFor(word: Word): Option[Seq[Word]] = {
require(word != null)
. . .
Note we can intersperse validation statements in the class’s body as well as in its methods.
Here, we make use of Scala’s case classes and their primary constructors.
Among other goodies, a case class provides sensible implementations for the toString()
, hashCode()
and equals()
methods. It also defines a primary constructor defining all fields/properties making up the class data.
Because case classes and their fields are immutable there is no need for Java-style “accessor” methods: fields are referred to directly through their names because they’re first-class properties of their containing class.
Of course, it’s still possible to transparently redefine field access via methods but this is beyond our current sphere of interest.
Object and Companion Objects
In addition to case classes (like the above SpellingCorrector
) Scala also supports the
notion of object
: a singleton-like instance that may or may not be associated with a
given class or interface. Objects may implement interfaces or extend
classes as needed but they can also stand on their own.
Especially relevant for our purposes, it is possible for an object to be associated with an equally-named class in which case it’s referred to as the class’s companion object. Both the class and its companion object can mutually see their private members.
A frequent comparison between Java classes and Scala objects is that Scala objects methods can be seen as Java static methods. Although such correspondence can in effect be established, the notion of object goes much further. Thus, for instance, where static Java members are limited to fields and methods a Scala object can extend unrelated classes as well as implement arbitrary
s (comparable to -tough richer than- Java interfaces).
It is customary to invoke companion object methods from the object’s associated class. This is the case in our SpellingCorrector
case class from whose getCorrections()
implementation makes use of the companion object in expressions such as:
Let’s see:
case class SpellingCorrector(dictionary: Map[Word, Rank]) {
require(dictionary != null && dictionary.nonEmpty)
def getCorrections(word: Word): Option[Seq[Word]] = {
require(word != null)
// Invoke companion object's normalize() method
val normalizedWord = SpellingCorrector.normalize(word)
if (dictionary.contains(normalizedWord)) {
// Curated dictionary word; no corrections needed
} else { // Try and find typo-originating words
val corrections = {
// Inner function to remove duplicates, weed out words not
// present in dictionary and sort descending by rank
def known(normalizedWords: Seq[Word]) =
.filter(dictionary.contains) // Lambda usage similar to Java method reference
.sortBy(-dictionary(_)) // reverse by rank
// Invoke companion object's edits1() method
val editResults1 = known(SpellingCorrector.edits1(normalizedWord))
if (editResults1.nonEmpty) {
// Dictionary words do occur in edits1() results, return them
} else { // No dictionary words so far, try edits2()
// Invoke companion object's edits2() method
Transforming a typo into a set of word splits
Let’s take a look at the basic implementation of the edits1()
and edits2()
method in our companion object:
object SpellingCorrector {
// Placeholder edit method implementations (detailed below)
def wordSplits(word: Word): Seq[(Word, Word)] = ???
def deletes(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] = ???
def inserts(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] = ???
def transposes(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] = ???
def replaces(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] = ???
def edits1(word: Word): Seq[Word] = {
// wordSplits("dogbert"):
// ("", "dogbert"), ("d", "ogbert"), ("do", "gbert"), ("do", "gbert"),
// ("do", "gbert"), ("dog", "bert"), ("dogb", "ert"), ("dogbe", "rt"), ("dogber", "t")
val splits = wordSplits(word)
val edits = Seq[Seq[(Word, Word)] => Seq[Word]](
deletes, // dilbert -> dilbrt, dlbert, ...
inserts, // wally -> wallyt, walluy, ...
transposes, // alice -> alcie, aliec ...
replaces // boss -> bosz, bosd, ...
// Concurrently apply all edits on all possible word splits
.par // compute separate edits in parallel
.flatMap(edit => edit(splits)) // Apply each edit
.seq // Make resulting collection sequential
// For less common but still frequent two-pronged typos
def edits2(word: Word): Seq[Word] = {
for {
// Apply edits1() on given word
e1 <- edits1(word).par // Run in parallel
// Apply edits2() on each candidate yielded by edits1()
e2 <- edits1(e1).par // Run in parallel
} yield e2
.seq // Make resulting collection sequential
// . . . Additional logic elided
Here, we leave the actual edit operations unimplemented in order to emphasize how to use them as lambdas. All such edits (deletes, inserts, transposes and replaces) are implemented as methods but they’re referred to as lambdas in the edits
The edits
lambda collection is applied -concurrently- to each incoming word.
BTW, the
placeholder is of typeNothing
and, therefore, is an instance of all types. Such placeholders are handy during algorithm formulation but will raise a runtime error if actually executed.
In the edits1
implementation we return:
// Concurrently apply all edits on all possible word splits
.par // compute separate edits in parallel
.flatMap(edit => edit(splits))
.seq // Make resulting collection sequential
Note Scala does not require the
keyword. The last expression in the method is returned to the caller.
For readability we’ve written above:
.flatMap(edit => edit(splits))
The Letters
Some of the edit operations explained below make use of the list of all valid letters. This is trivially defined as follows:
val Letters: String = ('a' to 'z').mkString // ASCII-only for simplicity
Splitting words: wordSplits
All edit operations (deletes, inserts, transposes and replaces) operate not on incoming words but on words splits derived from them.
The actual implementation of wordSplit()
is straightforward:
def wordSplits(word: Word): Seq[(Word, Word)] =
for (i <- 0 to word.length)
yield (word.substring(0, i), word.substring(i))
The split()
method takes a string (the typo) and returns all possible pairs of word splits.
Thus, for our beloved but misspelt hero dlbert we get the equivalent of:
("", "dlbert"),
("dl", "bert"),
("dlb", "ert"),
("dlbe", "rt"),
("dlber", "t"),
("dlbert", "")
We don’t need to define a separate
case class to hold generated word splits. In Scala a 2-element tuple is simpler and more idiomatic.
Implementing edits: delete
operates by suppressing each letter in turn:
def deletes(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] =
for ((left, right) <- splits if !right.isEmpty)
yield left + right.substring(1)
Given the typo waly this deletes()
anonymous implementation yields the equivalent of:
Seq("aly", "wly", "way", "wal")
Implementing edits: insert
introduces each letter to all word splits:
def inserts(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] =
for ((left, right) <- splits; letter <- Letters)
yield left + letter + right
For our canine friend dgbert the above anonymous implementation of inserts()
yields the equivalent of:
"adgbert", "bdgbert", "cdgbert", "ddgbert", "edgbert", "fdgbert",
"gdgbert", "hdgbert", "idgbert", "jdgbert", "kdgbert", "ldgbert",
"mdgbert", "ndgbert", "odgbert", "pdgbert", "qdgbert", "rdgbert",
"dgbertm", "dgbertn", "dgberto", "dgbertp", "dgbertq", "dgbertr",
// lots of inserts ellided...
"dgberts", "dgbertt", "dgbertu", "dgbertv", "dgbertw", "dgbertx",
"dgberty", "dgbertz")
Implementing edits: transpose
operates by rotating consecutive characters:
def transposes(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] =
for ((left, right) <- splits if right.length > 1)
yield left + right(1) + right(0) + right.substring(2)
For our heroine alice the above anonymous implementation of transposes()
yields the equivalent of:
Seq("laice", "ailce", "alcie", "aliec")
Implementing edits: replace
operated by substituting every letter in the word split by each letter in the alphabet:
def replaces(splits: Seq[(Word, Word)]): Seq[Word] =
for ((left, right) <- splits if !right.isEmpty; letter <- Letters)
yield left + letter + right.substring(1)
For our little friend asok the above replaces()
implementation yields the equivalent of:
"asok", "bsok", "csok", "dsok",
"esok", "fsok", "gsok", "hsok",
// quite a few replaces ellided...
"asos", "asot", "asou", "asov",
"asow", "asox", "asoy", "asoz"
Other companion object methods used by the case class
In addition to all the methods listed above, the following implementations are used by the object’s associated class:
val Alphabetic: Regex = "^[\\p{Alpha}]+$".r
def isAlphabetic(word: Word): Boolean = Alphabetic.findFirstIn(word).isDefined
def normalize(word: Word): Word = {
val normalizedWord = word.trim.toLowerCase
if (isAlphabetic(normalizedWord)) normalizedWord
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Non-alpha word: $word")
: When edit1
is quite simply defined in terms of edit1
as follows:
def edits2(word: Word): Seq[Word] = {
for {
e1 <- edits1(word).par
e2 <- edits1(e1).par
} yield e2
Despite generating lots of possible suggestions, edit1
can fail to yield a dictionary word
In this case we assume our typo stems not from one but two transcription mistakes.
Putting it All Together
We’re almost there now. Our workhorse method getCorrections()
method looks as follows:
def getCorrections(word: Word): Option[Seq[Word]] = {
require(word != null)
import SpellingCorrector.{edits1, edits2, normalize}
val normalizedWord = normalize(word)
if (dictionary.contains(normalizedWord)) {
// Curated dictionary word; no corrections needed
} else { // Try and find typo-originating words
val corrections = {
// Inner function to remove duplicates, weed out words not
// present in dictionary and sort descending by rank
def known(normalizedWords: Seq[Word]) =
.sortBy(-dictionary(_)) // reverse by rank
val editResults1 = known(edits1(normalizedWord))
if (editResults1.nonEmpty) {
// Dictionary words do occur in edits1() results
} else {
// Try edit2() only if edits1() fails; may fail itself
Final words about Scala
source file contain both the case class and companion object implementations.
The Scala implementation adds up to 117 lines including comments and empty lines. Its neutron star-dense incarnation comes down to only 74 lines!
Compare that to Norvig’s feat of packing the whole thing in 44 lines of (commented) Python code and the horror of Java taking up over 300 lines of code (120 in neutron star form).
Java’s verbosity is precisely one of the most important reason alternative JVM languages have emerged. In the next post we’ll see how the the Xtend language fares in terms of economy of expression and clarity of intent. So far Kotlin and Scala are our uncontested winners over Java.
Next in our plate: Implementing Norvig’s Algo in Xtend